Wednesday 28 April 2010

iTouches in the Classroom

Today we're lucky enough to have another guest blog post courtesy of Mary Farmer (no relation!) who teaches at The Cedars Primary School in Hounslow. It discusses using Apple iPod Touches in the classroom.

How we got our iTouches

It all started with this Tweet on Twitter from @RM_London which unfortunately I missed.

Luckily though, I came across a post on PTRC forum from senorcalvo (aka @arsenalchris on Twitter). You can read his blog here. He VERY kindly told me how he was in contact with RM who were looking for a school to take part in using iTouches in a primary classroom.

I decided to take a risk and contacted @RM_London and asked if they’d be interested in a Special School ALSO taking part and……. !!!!!!!

Steve from RM said YES!!!

On the last day of term 9 iTouches were delivered to school. It was better than Christmas opening the box!
9 iTouches!!!! One for each child!!!!


Originally I thought they were ours to use for a set period of time but it turns out they are ours to keep!


Setting Up a Class Set of iTouches (Part 1)

I was lucky enough to take the iTouches home for the Easter break in order to set them up. The first thing I did was order some silicone cases from Amazon.

I have also ordered a 7 port hub for charging the iTouches.

iTunes asks for a name for each unit and I decided to name each with a number so they are called 01 iTouch to 09 iTouch. For the setting up period I created a screensaver with a pic of each of their numbers.

This really made it very easy to see which iTouch I was working on each time.

Each iTouch has a silicone case which has its number on the back and it is kept in the clear plastic packaging case which comes with the iTouch which also has the matching number on it. The headphones that come with each iTouch have a small sticker with the same number and eveything is kept in A5 zipped plastic wallets with a sticker which has the iTouch number, the name of the person who uses it as well as the colour of the case.

This makes it very easy to quickly see if everything is where it should be.

In each pack is a notebook to use to record notes, ideas, drawings when using an app as well as an instruction sheet on how to use with reading (but more on that later).

Some of the above ideas came from or were adapted from Tony Vincent’s Learning in Hand site.

Reading Project Using an iTouch

Many of the children at my school have reading difficulties and reading ages well below their chronological age. Improving reading is a major focus across the school.
I spent time over the Easter break researching what makes a good reader and wanted to find something that would lend itself to using the iTouch and also be measurable so that I would be able to see if using the iTouch had a real impact.
I finally settled on using the iTouch as an aid to improve Reading Fluency and to increase the children’s Sight Vocabulary.


Fluency is reading a text with speed, accuracy, and expression and the ability to comprehend the material being read.

Speed refers to the number of words a person correctly reads per minute (WCPM or WPM).
Accuracy refers to reading with few errors. Misreading more than 10% of the words in a passage generally means the text is too difficult for instructional level.
Expression refers to the ability of the reader to use correct phrasing, tone, and pitch while reading a text aloud.
Comprehension refers to the ability to understand the text being read.


A fluent reader is able to use their energy on comprehending the text versus identifying the words in the text. A fluent reader identifies words automatically. There is evidence that immature readers generally lack fluency which means they devote more energy to word recognition, and have less energy for meaning.


When reading to the children I have begun to make my reading behaviours very explicit and discussing reading behaviours such as phrasing (i.e. the ability to read several words together in one breath), rate (the speed at which we read), and intonation (the emphasis we give to particular words or phrases).

I have completed a Running Record to get an accurate text level for each child. On Monday I will find a baseline for each child of their Words Correct per Minute that they can read. This will be repeated 3-4 times each week. The number of words read correctly will be graphed.

Each child will record themselves reading using the built in Voice Memos app and they will listen to the recording so that they can hear themselves reading. They will be provided with feedback on the number of words they read correctly and an adult will discuss any word recognition errors.
After less than a week EVERY child has made measurable progress AND all are extremely motivated to record themselves reading.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Arjen Robben and Lego

This probably doesn't merit a whole new blog post, but it follows on nicely from one of my earlier blogs, and as a Liverpool fan, schadenfreude is all I have to cling to this season.

Thursday 8 April 2010

ASCL and RM Strategic Forums

Every spring and every autumn a whole bunch of my RM colleagues see months of hard work come to fruition in our technical seminars. I've been lucky enough to attend the Cambridge, Cardiff and Solihull seminars and met a whole range of schools, both RM and non-RM customers, primaries and secondaries and teachers with a wide range of interests and priorities.

This year, as a complement to the seminars and in partnership with ASCL, we're introducing the RM Strategic Forums. These have a slightly different focus to the technical seminars and concentrate on allowing school leaders to come together to discuss their vision for learning. You will get the opportunity to collaborate on how learning spaces can enhance the teacher and pupil experience and how technology can aid teaching and learning, no doubt taking some new ideas back to your school.

They're very much a forum type of event (hence the name, I guess), with the focus on you being the centre of things, discussing your plans and strategy with other teachers and we really hope you will find the day beneficial.

There will be RM staff acting as support and facilitators, as well as guest speaker Richard Gerver amongst other special guests.

The forums kick off in Bristol on 22nd April, head east to London on the 27th, up to Warwickshire on the 29th before finishing up in Leeds on the 4th May. Book your place today!!